The colour of Hanshan Temple is yellow and it is special, because "yellow" was only for the emperor.I’ve also learnt a poem named “枫桥夜泊”。月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠.姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。 -Samantha Wong,5H
It was a fruitful learning journey and I have learnt that Hanshan Temple is located in Maple Bridge town in the west outskirts of Suzhou.It was first built in Liang Dynasty(502-557).During the Tang Dynasty(618-907),a famous monk named Hanshan was said to have lived and was the temple's care-taker.The temple's name was later renamed after Hanshan. -Chua Jia Yi,5J
Tiger Hill got it’s name because its shape looks just like a tiger. There is a house in front – the two round windows represent the eyes of the tiger while the doorway represents the mouth. As we walk to the end, we can see a tower which is slightly slanted representing the tiger's tail. -Rachel Yap,5J